A Thinking Guide for Beginners in Computing
simple programming
computational thinking encompasses

The concept of computational thinking extends beyond programming. In the current increasingly technologically advanced age, it is more of a method for deeply interpreting and approaching challenges. The four fundamental ideas of computational thinking are decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithm development. Using algorithms as an illustration, we may employ algorithm design to access and modify data more effectively when dealing with big databases or complex data structures, considerably enhancing the efficiency of program execution.

Computational Thinking in Learning

Reflecting on my past learning, I faced numerous challenges. Had I understood computational thinking then, my studies in engineering or other fields would've been more profound. I could've analysed major events, identified patterns, and delved deeper into core concepts.

Future Directions and Computational Thinking

Facing the future, I have clear career goals and expect to enter a technical or managerial field. In these industries, how to solve problems efficiently is especially critical. With computational thinking, I can not only locate and analyze problems quickly, but also gain a deeper understanding of various technologies and establish harmonious and efficient communication with teams, customers and partners.
it's so important to use computational thinking

Computational thinking is seen as a crucial basic talent in this age of pervasive technology. It not only gives us effective tools and methods for studying and working, but also makes it simple for us to deal with technology's constant changes and difficulties. You may use computational thinking as a critical tool for success in all aspects of your life, including employment, university, and daily activities.


Denning, P.J. and Tedre, M. (2019) Computational thinking. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Sipser, M. (2015) Introduction to the theory of Computation. Boston, MA: Course Technology Cengage Learning.


Author: Yuqing Luo

E-mail:1055835730@qq.com; LuoY61@cardiff.ac.uk

Student ID:c23087126