
Ada Lovelace the world's first female programmer


Ada Byron was born in 1852 in London, England. Her father, Byron, is one of England’s most famous poets. Even though she was the only legitimate child of Lord Byron, Byron did not like her cause he expected his child to be a” glorious boy”. Perhaps out of frustration, Lord Byron let Ada and her mother go to her mother’s parents’ home at Kirkby Mallory. Ada Byron was only five weeks old at this time, and English law granted Byron custody of Ada. Lord Byron showed no interest in his parental rights, but he let his sister inform him of Ada’s welfare. After only three months, Byron signed the deed of separation unwillingly, and he left England. Byron was not a good father. his wife condemned him fiercely all her life. Ada never had a relationship with her father and never saw her father’s portrait until she was 20. The relationship between Ada and her mother was even worse. Even though her mother provided her amount of opportunities to get well education, her mother didn’t like her either. She was often left in the care of her maternal grandmother Judith, Hon.
Ada was frail but a strong woman. She experienced many childhood misfortunes and showed her talent in math as a teenager. Through family conditions, she met many scientists. Charles Babbage, a British mathematician, became her mentor in 1833. Then she translated an article by an Italian engineer and wrote a lot of notes. These notes contain the first computer program in history. They are very important to the development of computer programs. Some people believe Ada saw the future of computer programmers which was not seen by Babbage. The notes she wrote down were a turning point in the history of computers. I think Ada’s notes change the way the world works. Today we enjoy the convenience of many applications. It’s mostly because of the development of programming. At the same time, Ada inspires many girls to pursue difficult computer science and engineering majors. It shows that women can do just as well as men in many STEM fields. Above all, Ada is very important in the computer field.
Krämer, S. (Ed.). (2015). Ada Lovelace: Die Pionierin der Computertechnik und Ihre Nachfolgerinnen. Wilhelm Fink. Paderborn
Abbate, J., Narasimhan, S., Odeh, S., Bedwei, F. N., Musse, S. R., & Rieser, V. (2023). Women share highs and lows in computer science for Ada Lovelace Day. Nature, 622(7982), 238-241. Published by Nature Publishing Group in London.