What is Computational Thinking

Computer thinking is a discipline of skills derived from the basic concepts of computer science and reasoning to solve problems. Computational Thinking is a set of problem-solving methods in which we analyse solutions to problems through understanding computer-related knowledge.

Computational Thinking dates back to the 1950s and was initially used to refer to thinking such as scientific thinking, systems thinking, and design thinking. Computational Thinking, as it is now more commonly known, means that people have to think like a computer to operate a computer to deal with problems and that the computer itself does not have any ideas or thoughts(Wing, 2006). The reason why computers can compute faster and more accurately than human brains is that they have been given a more accurate way of thinking. Just as there is a separation between thought and method, method and object, and thought and object in natural human language. There is a separate concept in computational thinking, for example, between software and hardware, program and data in computers. Because of these separations, the commands and data of the programming language correspond to specific areas of computer memory. Because of this separation, the different areas are independent of each other as individuals. Learning Computer Thinking is an excellent way for students to improve their logical thinking skills, deal with problems more accurately and efficiently, and understand the underlying principles of computing. Computer Thinking is a compelling foundation subject for young people who want to enter the computer industry.

In summary, Computational Thinking is the activity of thinking in terms of problem-solving, system design and understanding human behaviour using computer science concepts(Wing, 2006). Learning computer thinking is necessary for today's information society. In the future, using Computational Thinking unconsciously in life reduces the probability of making mistakes and the efficiency of work. Computer thinking improves thinking skills, rigour, and strength of will. It is beneficial in any future career.


Lu, J.J. and Fletcher, G.H.L. 2009. Thinking about computational thinking. Proceedings of the 40th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education - SIGCSE '09.

Selby and Woollard (1970) Computational thinking: The developing definition, ePrints Soton. University of Southampton (E-prints). Available at: https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/356481/ (Accessed: November 2, 2022).

Wing, J.M. (2006) “Computational thinking,” Communications of the ACM, 49(3), pp. 33–35. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1145/1118178.1118215.

Wing, J.M. 2008. Computational thinking and thinking about computing. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 366(1881), pp. 3717–3725.