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Currently a MSc Computing student studying at Cardiff University.

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Holtshausen, G. (2018) Illustration 1. Available at: (Accessed: November 1, 2022).
Spiske, M. (2018) Illustration 2. Available at: (Accessed: November 1, 2022).

Computational Thinking

What is Computational Thinking? In short, computational thinking is a way of solving a problem and breaking a complex problem into many small parts. Apart from the application in the computer science field, we can use this skill in all areas, including our daily life. How can we use this concept in our daily life? Let us dive into the introduction of Computational Thinking for you to understand its theory and application.

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Who is Linus Torvalds? What has he done to the computer field? Here you will understand the contribution he has made to the computer field. By reading his story of creating Linux, you will realize the origin of the open-source project and why Linux changes the modern software development method. In addition, we will look into the influence of Linux on the computer science field.

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Herrera, L. (2019) Illustration 3. Available at: (Accessed: November 1, 2022).
Bentaleb, D.E. (2020) Illustration 4. Available at: (Accessed: November 1, 2022).


How is CMT119 related to other courses in MSc in Computing? Reflection reports let us reflect on our experience in our learning process, which also helps us better understand the topic we are studying. In this part, you can check what I learned in the CMT119 and how the knowledge I gained in this course affects my further course in my study and my future career. Hope you can find some insights in my reflection report.

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Undraw (2022) Illustration 5,