Although computational thinking has multiple definitions from different people, Wing (2006) defines it as something which “involves solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behaviour, by drawing on the concepts fundamental to computer science” (Kılıçarslan Cansu and Kürşat Cansu 2019). As for linking the skills I have learnt to my future career, I am not entirely sure what I would like to do after my master’s degree so I cannot link the skills I’ve learnt to one specific job/role however from what I understand, computational thinking can be applied to any job in any sector. In fact, arguably it is an extremely important cognitive skill that can be used to improve all areas of education (Rich et al. 2019) so will help me in learning anything I need to for the future. From my understanding and from what I have learnt throughout this module, computational thinking has many different applications and is something that makes people’s lives easier every day. It can be broken up into four key techniques, decomposition which is the initial breaking down a large, difficult or complex problem into smaller, more manageable chunks, abstraction which is a sort of filtering technique where someone chooses only the relevant parts and also pattern recognition as well as algorithms. Many people think computationally on a daily basis without even realising it as, put simply, it is just completing a large task in the easiest way possible by following the four key techniques. For example, if you wanted to organise your schedule or plan an event you would have to break the task down into smaller steps and then filter and think about which steps you actually needed to do. One field I might want to go into is data analytics which has very strong links to computational thinking as a concept. Usually in data analysis roles, the analysts are given a large set of data about the company and you must break it down to interpret or clean for the purpose of solving problems or answering specific questions to help a company. Another career path which I am considering is to do with marketing in which computational thinking is also used very often. For example, when a company is looking to market a specific product, there are some main questions that must be asked such as who the target audience are, why do they need our product and so on. Then the marketing team must conduct research into what sort of marketing techniques should be used to attract this specific audience and then steps must be taken to bring these ideas to life. Breaking up this large task into all these steps I have just mentioned is computational thinking.