My Perspectives Towards Computational Thinking

Computational thinking is an approach for problem-solving, which applies the inspirations from the essentials and procedures of computer science into the real-world challenges. Within the context of computational thinking, we are supposed to break down problems into much smaller, more straightforward, and more executable components and then apply a computational approach solving them systematically. In my perspectives, computational thinking is not just for the computer science industry, it's a valuable way of thinking that transcends disciplines and is playing increasingly essential role in other various fields.

From my point of view, computational thinking embodies four core principles:

Decomposition: This includes breaking a massive problem into smaller and manageable parts. Under this process, we should focus on each small part individually without being overwhelmed by all-in-one complexity.

Pattern Recognition: Recognizing the patterns and trends in raw dataset is helpful to understanding the problems, risk assessing, planning, and making decisions.

Abstraction: Removing the redundant details and keeping only useful information allows to focus on the essential parts of a problem.

Algorithmic Thinking: Algorithms provide a clear, structured path to reach a solution by developing structured plans.

Pattern Recognition
Algorithmic Thinking

Importance For My Course Studying

Computational thinking is a bedrock for the computer science study. It could be variously used in every programming language learning and further science research. I think every language could be learned by adopting the computational thinking. HTML and CSS though is not a programming language, it indeed provides a soft entry to the computer science for the beginners like I am. I hope I cuold use the pattern of the computational thinking to explore further in other modules

Importance For My Future Career

I came from a financial academic background and once worked as a full-time audit assistant for Grant Thornton. I realized that what appeals to me the most is the IT tools used in. data analysing. The only tool I used before is Microsoft Excel, which is useful and full of potentials in financial industry however it's not powerful enough facing with massive database and complex problems. After I learned some basic knowledge of MySQL, I gained the interest of roles in IT auditing and risk advisory. However, I find I might have more options after I had a small grasp of the web development programming. In my perspective, I do not want to restrict myself in one pathway like the dynamic world of computer programming Fintech and business analysis would also be my preference in the future.