
Academic Knowledge

Throughout this module, I have learned some basic concepts about computational thinking and computer fundamentals, have a preliminary understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and know how to make a simple webpage.

Skills I learned

In addition to mastering the knowledge above, I found that time management is critical for students to have a happier university life. It takes much time to study by myself, and coding requires more practice to get better at it. If I watch learning videos without coding, my coding skills may not improve a lot. As Ray Bradbury said:

I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But it’s true – hard work pays off. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice. If you don’t love something, then don’t do it.

I always watch learning videos without practice to save time. But when I started, I found that I had forgotten the points I had learned a few days ago and instead spent more time on this project. So, it is essential to practice coding while watching the learning videos. No matter how simple these points seem, I may still need to make improvements when I take actual operations. Practice will not only help me strengthen the knowledge I have learned but also exercise my coding ability.

Besides, I also got the chance to work in a team to make a webpage. I found it was a challenge for me to work with a group. Group work requires much communication and speaking skills to express myself clearly. Although our group presentation was pretty good at the end, I still need to improve my performance. I could have better expressed my views and opinions in this group work, but I did not. This is partly because of my weak oral expression skills and my need for self-confidence, so I need to improve my verbal communication skills. In future group assignments, such as CMT313 group assignments, I should also have the courage to express my opinions and not fear failure. The outcome is vital for us, but the process is equally important.

The influence of this module

In a nutshell, I have mastered some web development skills and basic computer concepts in this course, which laid a foundation for my subsequent courses. In addition to computer-related knowledge, I realized the importance of time management. When studying other courses, I will arrange my time and learn additional content according to my interests. Learning computers requires me to practice coding effectively. I should practice more, which can help me become familiar with coding quickly. In future group assignments, I will express my opinions more bravely, which can improve my oral expression skills and my sense of participation and satisfaction.