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Example: Building A Colour Picker

This example is taken from the recommended course book:

The simple colour picker:

Colour Picker

The Frameset

The code for the frameset is very simple:

<title>colour picker</title>
<frameset rows="40%,*">
<frame name="topone" src="./cols.html">
<frame name="botone" src="./blank.html">

The names of the frames will become important shortly

Initial Bottom Frame

The Top Frame

The top frame is simple enough.

  <script language=javascript src="picker.js">

<body bgcolor=white text=red>
<h1 align=center>Chris's HomeBrew Colour Picker</h1>

  <table align="center" border=0 cellpadding=5>
  <td colspan=4 align=center>
  <h2>Enter Colour Values in the Boxes</h2>
  <h3>Background Colour</h3>
  <input type="textfield" size=16 name=bgcol 
  <h3>Text Colour</h3>
  <input type="textfield" size=16 name=fgcol 
  <h3>Table Headings</h3>
  <input type="textfield" size=16 name=thcol 
  <h3>Table Data</h3>
  <input type="textfield" size=16 name=tdcol 
  <td colspan=2 align=center>
  <input type="submit" value="Show It!!" 
  <td colspan=2 align=center>
  <input type="reset" value="Reset It">

The JavaScript Code: picker.js

The Interesting Bit!!

The operation of code is fairly simple:

Getting Information from the Form

Once the documents have been correctly aliased the values can be extracted from the form.

Setting up the bottom frame

Having extracted the parameters the coloured sample page can now be created.

The full code for picker.js:

function ShowIt( ){

var topbox = document.forms[0].elements;
var bottombox = parent.frames['botone'].document;

// first extract the values from the form
var bg = topbox.bgcol.value;
var fg = topbox.fgcol.value;
var thc = topbox.thcol.value;
var tdc = topbox.tdcol.value;

// now build the new page;
bottombox.write("<body bgcolor="
                 + bg
                 " text="
                 + fg
                 + ">\n");
bottombox.write("<h1 align=center>The Result Is:</h1>");
bottombox.write("<table align=center border=2"
                 + "cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4>\n<tr>"
                 + "<th>Plain Heading</th>"
                 + "<th bgcolor="
                 + thc
                 + ">Coloured Heading</th>"
                 + "</tr>"
                 + "<th>Plain Data</th>"
                 + "<th bgcolor="
                 + tdc
                 + ">Coloured Data</th>"
                 + "</tr>"
                 + "</tr>\n</table>");

EXERCISE: amend the picker.js script to check for valid colour data form entry?

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Dave Marshall