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Nesting frameset Tags

You can create some elaborate browser displays with a single frameset, but the frame layout is unimaginative. Rather, create staggered frames and other more complex layouts with multiple frameset tags nested within a top-level frameset in the frame document. <P>

For example, create a layout of two columns, the first with two rows and the second with three rows, by nesting two frameset tags with row specifications within a top-level frameset that specifies the columns:

Staggered frame layouts use nested frameset tags

To see this nested frame layout working for real click here. Note that the two edges are VERY THIN

The HTML below produces the desired result:

<frameset cols="50%,*">
  <frameset rows="50%,*">
    <frame src="frame1.html">
    <frame src="frame2.html">
  <frameset rows ="33%,33%,*">
    <frame src="frame3.html">
    <frame src="frame4.html">
    <frame src="frame5.html">

Dave Marshall