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Image Backgrounds

You can use an image as a background for your web pages.

To do this use the BACKGROUND attribute of the BODY tag, for example:

<body background="my_back.gif">

URLs (relative orabsolute) can be supplied:

<body background="images/my_back.gif">

<body background="/server_images/my_back.gif">

<body background="http://www.myimageserver/my_back.gif">

Some precautions should be taken when using images:

Below is a brief example os some background images downloaded from the Web:
dots2.GIF dots3.GIF tex15.GIF aftex.GIF tex6.GIF tex7.GIF
tex1.GIF tex2.GIF tex4.GIF tex8.GIF tex9.GIF tex16.GIF
tex17.GIF tex18.GIF tex12.GIF tex20.gif tex21.gif tex22.gif
rivet.GIF rivet2.GIF rivet3.GIF rivet4.GIF rivet5.GIF rivet6.GIF

comscbgg.gif (green))

comscbgg.gif (red))


Many sources of backgrounds and other images can be found at: Some example web pages with background and HTML source are:

Dave Marshall