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Parameter Passing

Simple Example:

function about_you(name, age, shoesize){
     document.write("<h1>All About You</h1>");
     document.write("<p><strong>Your Name is:
          </strong>" + name);
     document.write("<p><strong>You Are</strong>"
           + age + "Years Old");
     document.write("<p><strong>Your Shoe Size is:
           </strong>" + shoesize);

That might be called like this as the page is loaded:

  <script language="javascript">

   function about_you(name, age, shoesize){
      document.write("<h1>All About You</h1>");
      document.write("<p><strong>Your Name is:
                     </strong>" + name);
      document.write("<p><strong>You Are</strong>"
                   + age + "Years Old");
      document.write("<p><strong>Your Shoe Size is:
              </strong>" + shoesize);
<body onLoad="about_you('David', 37, 9)">

or simply like this from within another function of more complex script:

function another_function() {
  about_you('David', 37, 9);

How are parameters passes into to functions in JavaScript?

This is not what you might expect?

Dave Marshall