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CGI Script Output

We have already mentioned that CGI scripts must adhere to standard input and output mechanism (the Interface between browser and server).

For the moment we will not worry about input to a CGI script.

However a CGI script is programmed it MUST send information back in the following format:

CGI Output Header

A browser can accept input in a variety of forms.

Depending on the specified form it will call different mechanisms to display the data.

The output header of a CGI script must specify an output type to tell the server and eventually browser how to proceed with the rest of the CGI output.

There are 3 forms of Header Type:

Content-Type is the most popular type. We now consider this further. We will meet the other types later.

NOTE: Between the Header and Data there MUST be a blank line.


The following are common formats/content-types (there are others):

  Format       Content-Type    
HTML text/html
Text text/plain
Gif image/gif
JPEG image/jpeg
Postscript application/
MPEG video/mpeg

To declare the Content-Type your CGI script must output:

Content-Type: content-type specification

Typically the Content-Type will be declared to produce HTML.

So the first line of our CGI script will look this:

Content-Type: text/html

CGI Output Data

Depending on the Content-Type defined the data that follows the header declaration will vary.

If it HTML that follows then the CGI script must output standard HTML syntax.

Thus to produce a Web page that looks sends a simple line of text "Hello World!" to a browser a CGI script must output:

Content-Type: text/html

<title>Hello, world!</title>
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>

Now let us see how we write and display in a Browser this CGI script in Perl

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Dave Marshall