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CGI Scripts on UNIX

The process of installing CGI scripts is similar to that of HTML pages, except different directories and URLs are used.

-- Files place in this directory will be accessible only within the department.

-- Files place in this directory will be viewable on the whole Internet. This is where you would create your Home Page.

Creating a project_cgi-bin

Initially you will have to create and change access permissions on a project_cgi-bin.

All CGI scripts should be placed in a directory project_cgi-bin.

Here's how to create the directory:

Running Individual CGI scripts

Simply place (FTP) the CGI script in the project_cgi-bin.

Every CGI script will need to have certain access modes changed. This can be done from Macintosh (with Fetch) or on UNIX (via BetterTelnetPPC connection).

To set file access modes from Fetch (just before FTP transfer):

To Set CGI file permissions from UNIX:

You should now be able to access the script using URL:

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Dave Marshall