Inner Flamming Axe - Mahavishnu Orchestra Live (Bootleg)
You can not expect good sound quality from a bootleg and this one doesn't
do a thing to change that constant. In addition to its awful sound, this CD
album cover and liner notes are filled with embarassing mistakes in spelling.
Picky, picky, I know. But JAN's first name has been changed to IAN and Billy's
last name has been changed to COBHAN. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy! Historically,
this CD does offer some interesting things. It opens with John McLaughlin
praising Ravi
Shankar, who had obviously performed just prior to the Orchestra. And it does
give the listener an idea of what musical events were like in America in 1972
in the context of promoters grouping certain artists together without the
overwhelming commercial pressures of today's America and perhaps sending them
to Syracuse University in New York which is where this concert was supposedly
recorded. The cuts are basically from The Inner Mounting Flame and seem to have
been performed well enough, although muddy sound makes certain passages
unlistenable. This is one bootleg which certainly offers no hitherto
unobtainable sounds and is therefore not suggested to even the most diehard
Please see Bootleg disclaimer.
Walter Kolosky
 Walter Kolosky is a businessman and jazz fan who lives in South Natick,