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There is a certain art to debugging that only experience can teach. There are so many different places where things can go wrong that it's impossible to remember which bug is most likely to appear in a given scenario. If you have lived through the frustration of tracking a bug for hours only to have someone look at your program for three minutes and say, "Look, that minus sign should be a multiplication sign!" you are much more likely to find the bug the next time. There is no substitute for real-life debugging.

Let's recap what you did learn in this chapter. You started out by reading about syntax or compile-time errors. This class of error involved a misplaced parenthesis, a missing quote, or some other slip of the fingers while entering your program into an editor. Syntax errors are found when Perl compiles your program into an internal format prior to actually executing it. The only way to track down a syntax error is to read the error messages and look at your program.

Logic errors, on the other hand, can be harder to find. They involve some logical flaw in your program. Using the index into an array or specifying the wrong variable as a parameter to a function both qualify as logic errors.

The first step to combating logic errors is to use the -w command-line option. The -w command tells Perl to display warning messages for various dangerous coding practices.

The next step is to use the strict pragma in your programs. This requires that you declare every variable you use. Creating only local variables minimizes the possibility of inadvertently changing the wrong variable or causing side effects in your program.

If you still have logic errors after these two options have been used, you might use the debugger. The debugger lets you single-step through your program and print or modify variables. You can also set breakpoints or actions, and you can interactively call any function directly from the debugger command line.

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