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Relationships to Major Standards

Important relationships exist between MHEG-5 and other standards and specifications.

Davic (Digital Audio Visual Council)
-- aims to maximize interoperability across applications and services for the broadcast and interactive domains. It selects existing standards and specifies their interfaces in the realm of a complete reference model. This comprises the content provider system, the service provider system, and the service consumer system. This forum has prepared a series of specifications: Davic 1.0 selected MHEG-5 for encoding base level applications and Davic 1.1 relies on MHEG-6 to extend these applications in terms of the Java virtual machine that uses services from the MHEG-5 RTE.
DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting)s
-- provides a complete solution for digital television and data broadcasting across a range of delivery media where audio and video signals are encoded in MPEG-2. The specification includes an open service information system, known as DVB-SI, which provides the elements necessary for developing a basic electronic program guide (EPG) to support navigation amongst the new digital television services.
-- the well-known(Chapter 22) family of standards used for coding audiovisual information (such as movies, video, and music) in a digital compressed format. MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 streams are likely to be used by MHEG-5 applications, which can easily control their playback through the facilities provided by the Stream class.

DSMCC (Digital Storage Media Command and Control
-- specifies a set of protocols for control-ling and managing MPEG streams in a client-server environment. The user-to-user protocol (both the client and server are users) consists of VCR commands for playback of streams stored on the server, as well as commands for downloading other data (bitmaps, text, and so on). The playback of MPEG streams from within MHEG-5 applications has a counterpart at the DSMCC layer.

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Dave Marshall