Next: Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) Algorithm
Up: Lossless Compression Algorithms (Entropy
Previous: Adaptive Huffman Coding
Huffman coding and the like use an integer number (k) of bits for
each symbol, hence k is never less than 1. Sometimes, e.g., when
sending a 1-bit image, compression becomes impossible.
- Idea: Suppose alphabet was
X, Y
prob(X) = 2/3
prob(Y) = 1/3
- If we are only concerned with encoding length 2 messages, then
we can map all possible messages to intervals in the range [0..1]:
- To encode message, just send enough bits of a binary fraction
that uniquely specifies the interval.
- Similarly, we can map all possible length 3 messages to
intervals in the range [0..1]:
- Q: How to encode X Y X X Y X ?
Q: What about an alphabet with 26 symbols, or 256 symbols, ...?
- In general, number of bits is determined by the size of the
- first interval is 8/27, needs 2 bits -> 2/3 bit per symbol (X)
- last interval is 1/27, need 5 bits
- In general, need
to represent interval of size p.
Approaches optimal encoding as message length got to infinity.
- Problem: how to determine probabilities?
- Simple idea is to use adaptive model: Start with guess of symbol
frequencies. Update frequency with each new symbol.
- Another idea is to take account of intersymbol probabilities,
e.g., Prediction by Partial Matching.
- Implementation Notes: Can be CPU and memory intensive; patented.
Next: Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) Algorithm
Up: Lossless Compression Algorithms (Entropy
Previous: Adaptive Huffman Coding
Dave Marshall