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Creating CGI Scripts

We will creating CGI scripts in Perl.

Perl has become the default language for creating CGI scripts as it has many useful features and a rich set of libraries.

On the Macintosh Computers there is a package called MacPerl that is used to create Perl CGI scripts.

On UNIX perl scripts are executed by a special program supplied on the system.

You will have to get used to Both mechanisms in this course.

The basic cycle of perl script development recommended for this course is:

Write and create Perl scripts in MacPerl.
Test, run and debug Perl script in MacPerl.
Create a Macintosh compatible Perl CGI script.
Install CGI script on Macintosh.
Test CGI script and associated HTML on Macintosh Personal Web Server.
For permanent storage or permanent Web distribution, FTP perl script and HTML to COMSC UNIX Web Server

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Dave Marshall