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Previous: Introduction Internet
A commonly asked question is "What is the Internet?" The reason such
a question gets asked so often is because there's no agreed upon
answer that neatly sums up the Internet. The Internet can be thought
about in relation to its common protocols, as a physical collection
of routers and circuits, as a set of shared resources, or even as an
attitude about interconnecting and intercommunication.
Some common
definitions given in the past include:
- a network of networks based on the TCP/IP protocols,
- a community of people who use and develop those networks,
- a collection of resources that can be reached from those
Probably the broadest definition that defines the Internet today is:
The Internet is a global network of connected computer networks
Today's Internet is
- a global resource connecting millions of users
that began as an experiment over 20 years ago by the U.S. Department
of Defense.
- While the networks that make up the Internet are based on
a standard set of protocols (a mutually agreed upon method of
communication between parties),
- the Internet also has gateways to
networks and services that are based on other protocols.

Figure 1.1:
Internet - a large collection of networks
Next: History of the Internet
Up: Introduction Internet
Previous: Introduction Internet
Dave Marshall