Next: Reasoning with Uncertainty: Non-Monotonic
Up: Strong Slot and Filler
Previous: Further Reading
- Construct CD representation of the following:
- John begged Mary for a pencil.
- Jim stirred his coffee with a spoon.
- Dave took the book off Jim.
- On my way home, I stopped to fill my car with petrol.
- I heard strange music in the woods.
- Drinking beer makes you drunk.
- John killed Mary by strangling her.
- Try capturing the differences between the following in CD:
- John slapped Dave, John punched Dave.
- Sue likes Prince, Sue adores Prince.
- Rewrite the script given in the lecture so that the Bank robbery goes
- Write a script to allow for both outcome of the Bank robbery: Getaway and
going wrong and getting caught.
- Write a script for enrolling as a student.
- Find out about how MARGIE, SAM and PAM are implemented. In particular
pay attention to their reasoning and inference mechanisms with the knowledge.
- Find out how the CYCL language represents knowledge.
- What are the two levels of representation in the constraints of CYC?
- Find out the relevance of Meta-Knowledge in CYC and how it
controls the interpretations of knowledge.
- Find out what levels of concepts CYC has in its ontology.
- Where should the following concepts be placed in this ontology
- dog
- court case
- South Wales Echo
- Wales
- Pint of Brains Dark
- The Open Golf Championship.