Next: Detecting Progress
Up: Planning System Components
Previous: Choice of best rule
- Previously rules could be applied without any difficulty as
complete systems were specified and rules enabled the system
to progress from one state to the next.
- Now we must be able to handle rules which only cover
parts of systems.
- A number of approaches to this task
have been used.
Green's Approach (1969)
Basically this states that we note the changes to a
state produced by the application of a rule.
Consider the problem of having two blocks A and B stacked on each
other (A on top).
Then we may have an initial state
which could be described
If we now wish to UNSTACK(A, B). We express the operation as follows:
ON(x, y, s)]
where x,y are any blocks, s is any state and DO() specifies that an new
state results from the given action.
The result of applying this to state
to give state
then we
There are a few problems with this approach:
- The frame problem
- -- In the above we know that B is still on
the table. This needs to be encoded into frame axioms that describe
components of the state not affected by the operator.
- The qualification problem
- -- If we resolve the frame problem the
resulting description may still be inadequate. Do we need to encode that
a block cannot be places on top of itself? If so should this attempt
If we allow failure things can get complex -- do we allow for a lot of
unlikely events?
- The ramification problem
- -- After unstacking block A,
previously, how do we know that A is no longer at its initial location?
Not only is it hard to specify exactly what does not happen (
frame problem) it is hard to specify exactly what does happen.
STRIPS (1971 ff.)
STIPS proposed another approach:
- Basically each operator has
three lists of predicates associated with it:
- a list of things that become TRUE called ADD.
- a list of things that become FALSE called DELETE.
- a set of prerequisites that must be true before the operator can be
- Anything not in these lists is assumed to be unaffected by the
- This method initial implementation of STRIPS -- has been
extended to include other forms of reasoning/planning (e.g.
Nonmonotonic methods, Goal Stack Planning and even Nonlinear planning --
see later)
Consider the following example in the Blocks World and the
fundamental operations:
- -- requires the arm to be holding a block A and the other
block B to be clear.
Afterwards the block A is on block B and the arm is empty and these
are true -- ADD;
The arm is not holding a block and block B is not clear; predicates
that are false DELETE;
- -- requires that the block A is on block B; that the arm is
empty and that block A is clear.
Afterwards block B is clear and the arm is holding block A - ADD;
The arm is not empty and the block A is not on block B -- DELETE;
- See Exercises for more examples.
We have now greatly reduced the information that needs to be held.
If a new attribute is introduced we do not need to add new axioms for
existing operators. Unlike in Green's method we remove the state
indicator and use a database of predicates to indicate the current state
Thus if the last state was:
after the unstack operation the new state is
Next: Detecting Progress
Up: Planning System Components
Previous: Choice of best rule